News and announcements of special events |
We organize a MaGiX@ISSAC workshop
the 26 and 27 July 2012 as a satellite conference of
ISSAC 2012 at the University of Grenoble.
2.TeXmacs workshop
We organize a TeXmacs workshop from Sunday
February 26 until Friday March 3, 2012 at Falésia
Hotel, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal. The morning sessions will be
dedicated to presentations and discussions. In the afternoon, we plan
to do a lot of TeXmacs hacking. All aspects of TeXmacs will be
discussed: technical issues, possible extensions, its potential use in
education and research, better ways to promote the software, etc.
The MaGiX@LiX conference will take
place from September 19 until 24, 2011 at the Ecole Polytechnique. The conference
aims to bring together developers and users of mathematical software
in the areas of computer algebra, reliable numeric computation, user
interfaces and mathematical programming languages. The conference
consists of a mixture of software demos and talks which provide some
of the scientific background. Most talks are intended to be
introductary and suitable for non experts in the specific areas.
4.TeXmacs day
We organize a special TeXmacs day on Wednesday,
March 30, 2011, with a general introduction to TeXmacs and a
presentation of Isabelle/Scala/JEdit. The talks will take place at the conference room
of LIX Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique.
© 2010 Joris van der Hoeven, Daouda
N. Diatta
This webpage is part of the MaGiX
project. Verbatim copying and distribution of it is permitted in
any medium, provided this notice is preserved. For more information
or questions, please contact Joris van der Hoeven.