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Generate TeXmacs Packages
SVN Server | Virtual Machines | Packaging TeXmacs

1.Generate all TeXmacs Packages

To be able to successfully generate the TeXmacs Packages for all virtuals machines, you should:

  1. have a copy of your public key (active in your harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr acount) in the packager account of all the virtual machines including the packager account of harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr

  2. logon to your account in harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr

  3. run the following commands, in your harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr account, to load your ssh-agent:

    $ exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL
    $ ssh-add

    You will be prompted to enter your passphrase for your ssh private key.

  4. run the following command to download from our SVN Server the directory containing the scripts:

    $ svn co svn+ssh://your_login@harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr/magix/texmacs/scripts

  5. go into the scripts folder and generate the TeXmacs Packages with the following command:

    $ ./texmacs_make_packages.sh

  6. The generated TeXmacs Packages are automatically published here.

2.Generate a TeXmacs Package for a specific distribution

To be able to successfully generate the TeXmacs Package for a specific virtuals machines, you should:

  1. have a copy of your ssh public key in the packager account your specific virtual machines and in the packager account of harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr

  2. logon to your account in harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr

  3. run the following commands, in your harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr account, to load your ssh-agent:

    $ exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL
    $ ssh-add

    You will be prompted to enter your passphrase for your ssh private key.

  4. run the following command to download from our SVN Server the directory containing the scripts:

    $ svn co svn+ssh://your_login@harry.medicis.polytechnique.fr/magix/texmacs/scripts

  5. go into the scripts folder and generate the TeXmacs Package with the following command:

    $ ssh -A packager@host_name "./texmacs_make_distrubution_bundle.sh"

    where host_name is the name of the specific virtual machine and distribution the name of the distribution hosted by the specific virtual machine.

  6. The generated TeXmacs Package is automatically published here.

This webpage is part of the MaGiX project. Verbatim copying and distribution of it is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. For more information or questions, please contact Joris van der Hoeven.