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Efficient reliable symbolic-numeric integrators
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PhD proposal 2024–2027

Title: Efficient reliable symbolic-numeric integrators

Keywords: symbolic and numeric algorithms; reliable computing; integrators


Joris van der Hoeven <vdhoeven@lix.polytechnique.fr>
Grégoire Lecerf <lecerf@lix.polytechnique.fr>


Applications should comprise a CV, a transcript of records, a letter of motivation, and optional recommendation letters. They should be sent to Joris van der Hoeven before April 15, 2024.


Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique, LIX, UMR 7161 CNRS
Campus de l'École polytechnique, Bâtiment Alan Turing, CS35003
1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves
91120 Palaiseau, France

Director of the laboratory: Mr Gilles Schaeffer (schaeffe@lix.polytechnique.fr)

Research team: MAX, Algebraic modeling and symbolic computation

M2 students majoring in computer science or mathematics may apply. Knowledge in at least one of the following topics is required: complexity theory, fast elementary algorithms, differential calculus, high performance computing.


How to predict planetary motion, the spread of an epidemic, or the evolution of a chemical reaction network? Here are some of the many problems that can be modeled by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The resolution of such equations has a long history and remains an important problem in science and technology.

A system of ordinary differential equations is given in the form


where is an unknown function and represents the actual equations. Given a and an initial condition , the resolution problem consists in computing the value of at a given point .

If has specific properties, then the solution has a closed symbolic form: for instance if , , and , then the solution is . In general such closed forms do not exist and numerical integration algorithms are used for computing approximations of the values of .

Numerical integrators compute a sequence of approximations , where and the steps are small. For , we may compute from by rewriting (1) into

Runge–Kutta schemes are a popular way to approximate the above integrals. For a method of order , the error of is bounded by .

A numeric integrator for (1) is said to be reliable if, for any given tolerance , it can automatically produce an approximation of with , when it exists. Current implementations of numerical integrators are not of this type and extensive simulations are required to verify the soundness of the computed results. However, simulations can only test a finite number of examples and types of incidents; severe accidents may and indeed do happen in exceptional cases that were not covered. Enriching numerical software with automatic tools to guarantee the correctness is a major and necessary step forward to avoid such accidents.

This PhD thesis concerns the design, analysis, and software implementation of a new efficient reliable integrator. Depending on her or his profile, the PhD student may chose to put greater emphasis on the theoretical or practical aspects of the problem.


The numeric integration of systems of differential equations like (1) is a widely studied problem in analysis [3, 6, 19]. The function is usually smooth and the integration is typically done with machine precision ( digits after the decimal dot). Runge–Kutta schemes are the most common workhorse in this situation. Systems and libraries like Matlab [21], DifferentialEquations.jl [20], or Sundials [7] offer extensive suites of solvers adapted to various kinds of problems and accuracy requirements.

The certification problem has already been addressed in previous works [15, 1, 12, 16], but most implementations are restricted to double or quadruple precision and numerically stable systems without singularities. Developing more general reliable numerical integrators remains a major challenge [17, 18], especially for modern safety-critical applications, including reachability problems [2, 5, 4].


We will restrict to the frequent case where is a polynomial or a rational function. Then Cauchy–Kovalevskaya's theorem implies that (1) admits a unique analytic solution in a neighborhood of , provided that our initial condition is non-singular.

The initial task of the PhD will consist in studying the existing literature [15, 1, 12, 16], including work on this topic within the MAX team [10, 9, 14, 11, 13, 8].

Then, the thesis will be organized around two lines of progress:

The first line is mostly of theoretical nature: understanding the computational complexity to reliably solve (1) as a function of the required bit-precision , the integration path , and specific properties of the system. State of the art theory can deal with the special case of non-stiff ODEs (the Jacobian does not become “too large”) and short paths that are far from the singularities of . But a general theory is still missing.

The second line is more practical: the new reliable algorithm will be put into practice for machine and then higher precisions. On the one hand this will include the development an ad hoc robust ball arithmetic to certify computations, in the vein of [11]. On the other hand the use of instruction level parallelism (e.g. AVX instructions for x86_64 platforms) and just-in-time compilation will be necessary to attain good computational timings. If time allows, multi-threading issues will be addressed, especially for the certification steps. Let us mention that the parallelizaton of integrators is not fully possible due to their intrinsic sequential nature.

Software implementations will be open source and done in C++ and/or Mathemagix within the Mathemagix libraries; see http://www.mathemagix.org. Depending on her or his profile, the PhD student may chose to put greater emphasize on the theoretical or practical aspects of the problem.

Expected results

The theoretical part of the research should lead to two or three articles devoted to the new complexity bounds for reliable integration, parametrized in terms of condition numbers related to the system and the solutions.

The practical part of the PhD is expected to lead to a high-level solver that automatically selects the most efficient low-level method(s) for solving the specific input problem. In particular, it should not require any manual fine-tuning of parameters or verifications that we are indeed in a zone where numerical correctness is guaranteed. As said, such an integrator library will constitute a major advance with respect to the existing software. This software implementation may be published in dedicated journals and conferences in the areas of computer algebra and reliable computing.

In order be adopted for safety-critical R&D applications, the new reliable integrator library should not be much slower than the standard purely numerical software. This goal will be achieved by using known and new techniques from High Performance Computing. The final software library is expected to be presented in a wide audience journal such as ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.



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