MaGiX@ISSAC 2012 Abstracts |
A DynaMoW for the presentation of dynamic mathematics on
the web (Thursday 14h15–15h). We report on the
design and implementation of a programming tool, DynaMoW, to control
interactive and incremental mathematical calculations to be presented
on the web. This tool is implemented as a language extension of OCaml
using Camlp4. Fragments of mathematical code written for a
computer-algebra system as well as fragments of mathematical web
documents are embedded directly and naturally inside OCaml code. A
DynaMoW-based application is made of independent web services, whose
parameter types are checked by the OCaml extension. The approach is
illustrated by two implementations of online mathematical
encyclopedias on top of DynaMoW.
This is joint work with Alexis Darrasse.
On programming language geared toward computational
mathematics (Friday 9h30–10h15).
Advanced use and new features of TeXmacs
(Thursday 10h45–11h30). In this follow-up presentation
of the talk by Francois Poulain, we will demonstrate some of the more
advanced features of TeXmacs, such as the creation of graphics, tables
and presentations. We will also show different ways to use TeXmacs as
an interface to computer algebra sessions: traditional shell-like
interfaces, using the CAS in the background, and a recent new feature:
The Mathemagix language
(Friday, 10h45–11h30). General purpose systems for
computer algebra such as Maple and Mathematica
incorporate a wide variety of algorithms in different areas and come
with simple interpreted languages for users who want to implement
their own algorithms. However, interpreted languages are insufficient
in order to achieve high performance, especially in the case of
numeric or symbolic-numeric algorithms. Also, the languages of the
Maple and Mathematics
systems are only weakly typed, which makes it difficult to implement
mathematically complex algorithms in a robust way.
Since one major objective of the Mathemagix
system is to implement reliable numeric algorithms, a high level
compiled language is a prerequisite. The design of the Mathemagix
compiler has been inspired by the high level programming style from
the Axiom and Aldor
systems, as well as the encapsulation of low level features by
languages such as C++. Moreover, the compiler
has been developed in such a way that it is easy to take advantage of
existing C++ template libraries. In our
presentation, we will give an overview of what has been implemented so
far and some of the future plans.
Grégoire Lecerf (CNRS & École
polytechnique, France)
The C++ libraries of
Mathemagix (Thursday, 15h00–15h45).
We will present the implementations of the elementary operations with
polynomials and matrices available in the C++ libraries of Mathemagix. This includes most of the classical
methods for univariate polynomials and series, but also very recent
techniques with several variables. Dedicated variants have been
designed for numerical types. We will illustrate some of the
possibilities offered for certified numeric computations with balls
and intervals. Most of the algorithms can benefit from parallelization
and vectorization features.
This work is in collaboration with J. van der
Geometric Modeling and Computing with Mathemagix
(Thursday, 16h15–17h00). Geometric Modeling requires
dedicated tools for manipulation, computation and vizualisation of
geometric objects. We will present the algebraic-geometric modeler
AXEL and its integration in the Mathemagix project. This tool allows
to visualize and compute with different types of tridimensional models
of shapes. The main representations include point sets, meshes,
rational, bspline, algebraic and semi-algebraic curves and surfaces.
It is also a platform which integrates geometric algorithms, through
an open mechanisms of plugins. We will describe its design, its
extension mechanism, its main plugins, some of the algorithms involved
in the computation with semi-algebraic sets or bsplines.
François Poulain (ANR/CNRS & École
polytechnique, France)
Introducing TeXmacs to new users (Thursday,
9h30–10h15). GNU TeXmacs is a free software for structured
editing with special features for scientists. It aims to provide a
unified and user friendly framework for editing documents with
different types of content (text, mathematics, graphics, interactive
content, etc.). For this purpose, TeXmacs includes a text editor with
support for mathematical formulas, a small figure editor, and also
numerous features like a presentation mode, an orthographic
correction, a revision control system, etc. Moreover, TeXmacs can be
used as an interface for many external systems for computer algebra
(Mathemagix, Maxima, etc.), numerical computation (GNU Octave,
Scilab), statistics (GNU R), etc.
In this presentation, we will firstly take a tour of the basics needed
to quietly tackle TeXmacs (structured edition and ergonomic
principles). Then, we will illustrate some features through the
writing of a scientific article. Finally, we will demonstrate some use
cases needing interoperability with LaTeX, on which a strong effort is
currently put.
© 2012 Grégoire Lecerf
This webpage is part of the MaGiX
project. Verbatim copying and distribution of it is permitted in
any medium, provided this notice is preserved. For more information
or questions, please contact Joris van der Hoeven.