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TeXmacs workshop
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During the last day of the workshop, we have given the partipants a questionnaire with the following questions:

  1. How would you like TeXmacs to evolve?

  2. What do you think that we should do in order to get TeXmacs widely adopted?

  3. What are the most important bugs in the current version?

  4. What kind of documentation would you like to see more?

  5. How should TeXmacs be publicized?

  6. To which issues would you like to contribute?

  7. How should TeXmacs be organized as a community.

We asked to state at most three points for each answer and to single out the most important point among the three.

The answers are shown in the tables below (with a few additional entries for other users on our mailing lists.

Another issue which was discussed was the possibility of a name change.

What would you like

Best for TeXmacs adopted

Most important bugs

Desired documentation

3 Alvaro

1. Finish the typesetter/structured editor: title bugs, automatic LoF, LoT, update all until converge, margin notes, floats, multicolumn, good fonts, hyphenation of formulas and citations, flowing text around figures, pdf export with metadata and compact…

2. Get rich package ecosystem like emacs

3. Cooperation with the web: seamless HTML i/o and dialogue to servers

1. ecosystem of useful packages; use only one language or at least one syntax for writing styles

2. flashy tutorials like 'do something awesome with TeXmacs'

3. library of stunning documents that blow your mind; possibly some of them shipped straight away with TeXmacs and linked from the help for you to play with them.

(4). nice pdf output that can be well indexed by 'the web'.

(5) The TeXmacs Book

1. fonts shipped where lots of glyphs are missing (stix)

2. figures not cached between sessions and rendered ugly on QT under Linux

3. crashes upon style file editing (but see about unifying scheme and style files later)

(4.) floats unusable

1. tutorials, also or especially for scheme

2. code documentation, in the scheme case one-liners even for semi-obvious things so that people can program with 'black boxes' (e.g. what does lambda* do? probably trivial but I don't want to use brain glucose on that).

3. dynamic code documentation,

1 Alvaro

Finish the typesetter: put the label 'you can forget about latex, forever'

pdf output (sorry, this is a 4th one)

Figure handling: caching and nice representation

Scheme documentation

3 Aleksandr

1. Integrate Times font + with high quality rendering.

2. Support flowing text around figures.

3. Support for dynamic content using CAS.

1. Can't compile current SVN.

2. Shell session does not work.

3. Performance issues with large documents or documents containing many images.

1. Document C++ coding practices.

2. No gnu heads.

3 Julien

1. integration of CAS (using TeXmacs graphic interface)

2. Very simple installation with all necessary libraries and possibly somme bundles with some CAS

3. Total integration with environment (MacOS…)

1. Good TeX import

1. Cannot use professor plugin or giac plotting

1. direct help form the system, balloons, easy access to shortcuts listing, to commands listing…

2. a printed version of the doc, like TeXmacs for dummies, with progressive mastering of the software

3. a website with HowTo-s and problem resolution pages, a blog like tamiz with specific points explained and ideas

3 Stephen

1. Up to date interfaces to widely available computer algebra systems.
2. More visibility of Mathemagix libraries.
3. Better Unicode support or supplementary planes.
4. Better support for cloud-ish collaboration.

1 Stephen

Up to date interfaces to popular CAS and
better support for cloud-ish collaboration.

3 Miguel

1. Easily browsable documentation linked to code.
2. Even more graphics editing stuff.
3. IDE features.

1. TeX import/export
2. Luser mode (i.e. "do what an inexperienced user would expect")
3. Editable graphs after computations from plugins, etc.

1. Corruption of the undo stack.
2. Close buffer in MacOS.
3. No error handling => (forced) crashes on every mistake

1. Documentation in the code. Both local and big picture.
2. Dynamical code documentation easily browsable from within TeXmacs

1 Miguel


TeX i/o

Error handling

1 Andrey

Syntax highlighting, bracket matching

Convince arXiv.org

Help -> Plugins: plugin names are translated!

3 Philippe

1 TM must get to work like a newcomer would expect. He/she should not feel he/she loses anaything by using TM in place of another soft.
2 Make it easier for willing programmers

1 Finish conformance to standard UI (including avoiding jargon). Features are just not enough if implemented in a non-standard way.
2 Better interoperability with other software (copy-paste text and images, bibliographic tool e.g. Zotero)

1.Inside sessions, selection is not overwritten by new text
2.Place cusor at start of a paragraph, and select to start of next paragraph (i.e. including newline). Then insert e.g. section tag: The selected text is lost.
3.Start TM, insert equation and type the shortcut for a square root: doesn't work. You first need to open once a relevant menu for the shortcut to be activated.

1 Code documentation beyond general principles. Mandatory use of synoptic in the code. Comment tricky parts.
2 Tutorials & How-to

1 Massi

smoother back and forth conversion to latex for basic mathematical articles (no figures, some biblio)

interface to R (useful to attract statisticians and students)

tutorials about macros and scheme

3 Vincent

1. Being able to create some fancy things with texmacs

1. package easy to install all what the teacher can need. (particularly for window users…)
2. rich website (gallery, documentation for beginners, videos…)
3. communication…

that can appear as a bug to non used people : the organization of multiple opened documents as travelling in the different windows

1) documentation for beginners !
2) teaches about informatics for beginners with François and Bill during the next sessions

3 Adrian

1: Make features that are very visible and often used bug-free and documented
2: Make contributions of code be refereed and easy to submit:
3: Make money contributions to texmacs easier: Paypal? Google Checkout?
4: Improve the projects support: For example, be able to search in all of a project…

Make a book about how to use it in a classroom, or use it as a part of a class for submitions of homework
Improve balloon support to have users know how to do things:
A cook book

1: Menus in Unity for the newest releases of Ubuntu (for example, opening a new window within texmacs lacks the menu completely; and newly created menus do not show)
2: Have Maxima work out of the box in Windows.
3: Zombie references in the Cache for Bibliographies
4: Not being able to write comments in Scheme Sessions
5: Plugin examples that serve as a model to write plugins should work if they are included: For example, The multiline plugin

=======Less important=============

6:Not trimming the last / in the TEXMACS_PATH environment variable makes TeXmacs crash once a drawing area is clicked for editing:
7: Shift return does not create more than one empty new lines in an enumerate environment: I have to cut and paste and empty line to emulate vfill when writing quizzes.

1: A cookbook
2: Give examples for each available scheme function:
3:Give more models to write plugins

1 Adrian

Improve the projects support: For example, be able to search in all of a project…

Improve interactive documentation to ease the learning curve

Menus in Unity for the newest releases of Ubuntu (for example, opening a new window within texmacs lacks the menu completely; and newly created menus do not show)

A cookbook

3 François P.

* Annotation capabilities (a way to discuss about content without altering it, identifying contributions, and putting on foreground the parts of the document which are the most discussed).
* Collaborative multi-hand writing. This could also be a way for a teacher to monitor some CAS activities done by its students.
* CLI user interface, allowing basic capabilities : conversion, scheme script launching, etc.

* The LaTeX converter is very buggy.
* The active/inactive behavior is a bit confusing for users which comes from LaTeX and wysiwym.

* On-line question.texmacs.org, with a kind of Shapado software. http://gitorious.org/shapado
* Shorts and simple demos/tutorial videos (1 min max).
* Interactive tutorial.
* An offline book, as Every Thing You Always Wanted to Know About TeXmacs But Were Afraid to Ask.
* The TeXmacs vademecum : a compilation of all tags allowed natively or provided by packages, explained as done by the «explain» capability. It should be automatically compiled from source code. This put a question about the way we could document user defined macros in their own definition…

3 Grégoire

Smart behaviour of the windows sizes, like remembering the dimension of the last size for each file.

Better export to LaTeX

More presentations in conferences:
posters and software demonstrations

Brutal crashes

Books for TeXmacs reference and user guides

3 Lellmann J

I think that Texmacs should store all info that can be regenerated (references cache, bibliography items, basically everything in the <\references> and <\auxiliary> sections) in a local cache instead of the document, as this causes a lot of problems when trying to merge files.

1. become rock-solid and generate 100% reproducible results on different systems
2. possibility to automatize the build process
3. easier introduction to writing style files and consistent language behavior so that people start writing extensions

1. crashes very often on large documents on trivial actions such as selecting text
2. many tiny quirks in the language that surface when you start writing styles
3. references are not marked as missing if the label is deleted
(later e-mail, commenting on version control: that is a very good point. I think that Texmacs should store all info that can be regenerated (references cache, bibliography items, basically everything in the <\references> and <\auxiliary> sections) in a local cache instead of the document, as this causes a lot of problems when trying to merge files.(

1. full list of keyboard shortcuts
2. complete documentation of evaluation process including evaluation order (i.e., the core language)

3 Wonnacott DG

1. Compatibiliy with existing version control systems.
2. Integrated version control.
3. Mouse based control of formatting (tables and figures)

Produce standard "style files" for various technical societies that have existing LaTeX style files available (ACM, IEEE, Springer-Verlag, etc).

3 Stafiniak L

1. "native" pdf export with links and table of contents
2. work on drawing mode (e.g. enforced "snap-to-grid", perhaps some
Powerpoint-like functionality as macros – examples of how to write
new graphical macros)
3. self-documentation as in Emacs

(1) convince journals and conferences to accept TeXmacs documents
(1a) they will probably need help creating compatible TeXmacs styles
(2) change of name, because some people identify texmacs with auctex
(i.e. latex in emacs) and those people have irrational aversion to
emacs… (again, I love emacs)
(3) iron-out the Qt version (it's just for adoption, I'm fine with the
X11 version)

I'm not really sure about (2), I'm not proposing a different name myself.

1. I can't use the Qt version because of key shortcut issues
2. if I haven't googled, I would be in trouble because I had TEXMACS_PATH ending with /

(1) self-documenting facilities like in emacs
(1a) command to list all available Scheme commands/functions and
TeXmacs macros, search through the list, and display description of
selected command / function / macro
(1b) command to ask for the command / macro bound to a key shortcut or menu item
(1c) "go to source" in a description of command / function / macro

3 Rapcan P

1. Mathematica under Mac OS X out of the box.
2. Evolve to something like Wofram Researche's CDF format/software - maybe having a possibility of texmacs being a front-end for it?
3. More user-friendly/efficient (autocompletion with drop-down lists of options in addition to cycling through options, unified labeling - e.g. why labels are at different place for equation and for equations?, the contextual status/menu bar is sometimes too contextual - even when in an equation, one often wants to navigate to a different chapter, however, the chapters drop-down list is not present when the cursor is inside equation environment)
4. Better collaborative editing of documents.
5. Better support of native platform functionality (OSX Lion versions, etc.)
6. Use gnustep instead of QT.

1. Have commonly used document classes (for me that means mainly revtex4) that look the same (or close) to the latex equivalent. Export/import between texmacs and latex (keeping the revtex 4 class in both) is a must if I want to efficiently collaborate with others (from n co-authors there are always at least some who are not willing to work with anything but latex).
2. To negotiate witch journals that texmacs-format documents be accepted.
3. More intuitive user interface + more advertising.

1. Bibliography does not work with relative path to the bib file. Very inconvenient for collaboration (every collaborator needs to have the (always changing) bib file in the same absolute path or change the path all the time). In general bibliography stuff is very non-intuitive and not user-friendly in texmacs.
2. (English) spell check stops once a unicode non-english character is encountered. To continue, one has to select the text AFTER the problematic character. Then spell check continues until next such character is encountered.
3. Under Mac OS X, upon opening an existing document (say doc.tm) by double clicking its entry in the Finder, texmacs opens, opens the doc.tm document and also opens an extra empty document. If the doc.tm document's window has focus and one clicks at the red (close window) button of the empty document, the window of the doc.tm is closed, while what should have closed is the empty document's window. Really annoying.

1. Video tutorials of some more advanced (especially non-intuitive) functionality.

3 Thomas François-X.

1. modernization of interface. documentation.
2. website
3. it would be really cool to have the ability to add words to the aspell dictionary!

1. issues related to images and graphical content. Sometimes, they won't display, sometimes, there are artifacts, etc.

3 Casas Pablo S.

1. TeXmacs .tm files being accepted by scientific journals.
2. Including better tools to create presentations.
3. Becoming more stable in what refers to crashes.

1. TeXmacs format being accepted by scientific journals.
2. Include better tools to create presentations.
3. Good promotion of the main skills: wysiwyg, interface to maxima and other programs by showing mathematical formulas in printed format.

(Qt version on Linux)
1. Frequent need to delete ~/.TeXmacs/system/tmp to prevent it from using more and more memory and one process of CPU until freezing the whole system.
2. I cannot use the undo function repeatedly, because many times it makes TeXmacs to crash.
3. Ps graphics generated by Matplotlib are not rendered correctly inside Qt TeXmacs (the size is smaller than the real one), but in the exported pdf document they are depicted in the right size.

1. Besides a more detailed the manual, the key to learn TeXmacs are examples. There should be more examples available to users, showing TeXmacs capabilities.
2. Maybe some videos or tutorials would help understanding TeXmacs.

3 Sam Liddicott

1. More standard file-save format. I propose xml / xhtml; so that documents can be sensibly viewed and rendered in their native form, and processed with existing tools. The current tml format is loses some information. A decent xml/xhtml storage mode would allow better integration with web based collaborative editors, mathjax and all that stuff.
2. Please mend the bug where stale page references are never removed.
3. Please make document->update->all repeat in a loop until the update does not alter the document

1. xml or xhtml file format.I cannot promote another opaque obscure file format in my organisation
2. Ability to pay for bug fixes or features

1. Stale page references not being removed.
2. QT re-rendering and pagination slow on large documents.
3. ps2write gs target producing enormous and buggy graphics with gs 9.x

1. No more broken links on the website.
2. The website documentation to actually render properly (needs improve of html export I guess)
3. Examples

1 Denis

Have a true native windows version without mingw

have a single way to communicate with all plugins

Guile seems to have some metaphysic with his path in some context. The software stay stuck without saying anything. The user can't run Texmacs and don't know why

A brief document describing the internals and the main functional blocks

3 Marc Lalaude-L.

1. Je pense que Rapcan a raison sur ce qu'il veut : le type cdf de wolfram/mathematica est l'avenir. Certains profs en CPGE abandonnent le latex pour passer entièrement sous mathematica. Maintenant, à la différence de Rapcan, je pense qu'il faut s'appuyer sur des logiciels libres. Voici donc ce que je voudrais : un logiciel qui me permet de créer des documents dynamiques (type cdf), soyons fous exportables en pdf (dynamique ou pas). Je voudrais pouvoir interfacer les logiciels qui me semblent essentiels (pour l'éducation en france, secondaire et supérieur) : sage (à la place de mathematica), geogebra (qui est inévitable ds le secondaire). Il y en a plein d'autres, mais je pense que ces deux là sont prioritaires. Pour info, il va y avoir un chgt de programme en CPGE et on discute sur les langages à enseigner. Actuellement : caml. Ensuite : python, java, caml ? Python a l'avantage d'être lié à sage (et donc pourquoi pas à texmacs …). Ds le secondaire, on s'oriente souvent vers bluej (du java pour l'enseignement, je n'en sais pas plus).

2. A noter aussi qu'il manque (je trouve) à Wims une interface pour créer par exemple des qcm. Interfacer Wims permettrait peut-être de s'approcher de la solution Maple TA qui séduit des enseignants : c'est en tout cas un de mes souhaits. Pouvoir avoir un document riche, avec évaluation via qcm et notes récupérées via Wims : LE PIED !

1. Une stabilité sans faille.

2. Un paquet sous windows complet.

3. Des fontes variées.

4. Ce qui plait quand on le montre aux collègues : l'interfaçage avec Professor (les graphes de probas, tableaux de variations etc …) : que tout ceci soit réellement utilisable par tout le monde, sans bidouille …

5. Enfin, présenter le logiciel auprès de l'UPS, de l'APMEP, de l'UDDPC … et des autres sociétés savantes.

1. Stabilité ! Si la partie graphique n'est pas stable, on l'enlève ! Les collègues préférent utiliser geogebra ou un export .eps et l'importer (pour le retailler facilement au sein de texmacs, ce qui n'est pas gagné).

2. Les soucis de fontes et la non traduction de certains menus sont-ils des bugs ?

1. Je voudrais que toutes les entrées des menus soient documentés : que l'on donne un exemple, avec le fichier tm, le pdf et ce que ça fait clairement. Cela peut-être l'objet de vidéo pourquoi pas. Mais il faut le fichier tm.

2. Par ailleurs, j'aurais aimer avoir les fichiers my-init-texmacs de chacun (un peu comme pour les macros de tex en en-tête de doc) : quand on apprend le tex, on récupère ce fichier de copains et après on le personnalise. Je trouve que les docs et autres macros restent abstraites …

How should TeXmacs be publicized?

To what would you like to contribute?

How to organize TeXmacs as a community


3 Alvaro

1. new version with QT, stix/times fonts by default (to go away from TeX) and pdf export, bundled CAS?

2. name change, reddit post

3. editor for wikipedia pages where you actually see what you're doing. Then we would have the wiki by default: it would be mediawiki and a lot of people know how to edit with it.

(4) load project gutenberg documents and free mathematics documents.

(5) web page without ugly GNUs and the entry is a news/blog page (aggregator?)

(6) logo is not too bad, but it could change to suit the new name

1. scheme inside TeXmacs: introspection and hyperlinking

2. tree transformations that enhance efficiency

3. local wiki-like functions (use the proclus functionality + revisions + easy linking + tagging for navigation)

1. dichotomy between bug reporting in list and in savannah has to be resolved. google code?

2. more responsiveness in mailing list - creating documentation e.g. in a wiki each time a question pops up in the mailing list.

3. Wiki. But this poses the difficult problem that it has to be editable also through the web -> html-compatible subset of TeXmacs primitives…

Idea for minimal website design http://webnoir.org/

1 Alvaro

Wikipedia interactive editor

Tree transformations

TeXmacs wiki for everything (also bug reports)

3 Aleksandr

1. Additional typefaces (Times, etc)

2. Better font rendering

3 Julien

1. encourage use in schools (will work when integration with CAS perfected)

distributing flyers in mailboxes, publicizing in general

1. Have a website with forum capacities (and mailing list), examples and a document server

3 Stephen

Participation at TUG meeting.

1. Related to HWR
2. Related to Mathemagix

1 Stephen

Related to HWR.

3 Miguel

1. Wait until annoying bugs are fixed and new features are corrected before any pub. is done
2. Presentations to freshmen in math and physics
3. Promotion in high school through teachers.

1. Coding.

1. Dictatorship (ask Massimiliano)
2. Add online CMS (submission of scheme files, styles, etc.)
3. Use something like Votebox or Uservoice

1 Miguel



1 Andrey

plugins: maxima, reduce, fricas, sympy

3 Philippe

1 Better online documentation, tutorials, sample docs.
2 change name to avoid confusion, misconceptions. I propose the greek word Thauma: A wonderful thing, a prodigy. be greatly surprised
3 better website, wiki, forum…

1-Advocacy at work (tutorial sessions, help…)
2-Participate in mailing list & wiki : Help, How-tos…
3-Hacking: Finish interoperability with Inkscape. Extend mechanism to Libreoffice???


1 Massi

tutorials and screencasts. better packaging. site. change name. nicer icon.


nice site, somebody responsible for the community (e.g. animate the mailing list)

3 Vincent

1) direct communication (mail)
2) several personal websites with .tm files : people like visiting personal websites.
3) videos where the intervenants give the following message "TeXmacs is a good product". People are very sensible to any qualification of a product. If they hear "this product is bad" thay remain influenced. That's why, the more people agree to makes videos, the better it is.
4) the fact that TeXmacs comes from a Polythehcnique's Laboratory can make some impression on people and secure them about the desinteressement and the high quality of the product.
5) Some key people like Cedric Villani who is always really opened to original projects can be an idea
6) an idea alos would be to prepare the commuication and to make it effective simultaneously on several fronts in a choosen moment, example september 2012 or maybe better januar 2013.
7) One man show in the Olympia (Paris) with Joris and Massimiliano singing a beautiful song about TeXmacs

1) communication to math teachers during the school year 2012/2013
2) cookbook for beginners
3) collecting the videos and the files for the gallery (but i dont know how to publish the videos for example) - preparing something nice to put all of this on the texmacs website (i will need some technical help for this point maybe)

1) something like this : http://www.mappemonde.net/carte/El-Duende-Flamenco/monde.html
2) a "log" on internet where all people who are making actions to promote texmacs can write precisely what they have done, what they are preparing, which sort of help they want

3 Adrian

1: Write articles to tell the advantages of TeXmacs and send them to Mathematical Journals like the notices or the AMS
2: Have a class where students typeset their documents and give texmacs as a preferred or required option
3: Make a Youtube chanel: Videos that are of bad quality should be avoided; since they provide negative publicity:

1: Maintain the sage and python plugins
2: Attempt and help others make q plugin for the new drgeo; and try for geogebra
3: Make the multiline plugin compile

1:Do something similar to AskSage, using Askbot
2: Use and take advantage of the Google resources: Google hangouts; google groups; etc:

1 Adrian

It depends on the audience. For the general public: Make a Youtube chanel: Videos that are of bad quality should be avoided; since they provide negative publicity:

Maintain the sage and python plugins

Use and take advantage of the Google resources: Google hangouts; google groups; etc:

Need to reconsider if the email list is the best thing: Google groups might be q good thing to have.

3 François P.

* The web site and the graphical logo could be improve but I do not think it is mandatory.
* I think that the interoperability of TeXmacs which others « dead » (non-interactive) document formats should be improved.
* I think TeXmacs should be promoted from scientists and scholars.

Improving converters.

* This can be done via regular events (barcamps, learning sessions, bug squashing parties, sprints, etc.) ;
* via online organisation (mailling lists, IRC channel, Forum, Shapado, etc.).

3 Grégoire

Short communications for wide audience:
websites and press

Mathemagix plugin

Regular workshops for developpers

3 Lellmann J

Texmacs is not a bad name IMHO if aiming at the LaTeX user base. The website and especially the logo could definitely use a redesign.

Working "algorithm" package & styles.

1. wiki for howtos
2. central repository for extensions
3. website with full documentation


3 Wonnacott DG

Not enthusiastic about a name change, but wouldn't object strongly.

Perhaps a Google Summer-of-Code project could be organized?

3 Stafiniak L

Keeping the website up to date with TeXmacs features and issues (it's
better recently).

I plan to finally learn some TeXmacs at the Scheme level. I'll be
writing to the list if I have sth that could be of use to others, but
I can't commit time to TeXmacs itself :-(

One idea is for some volunteer to convert more important material from
the mailing list into a FAQ-like archive…

3 Rapcan P

1. Strongly against the name change. Also likes the current logo.
2. Change of texmacs' name (to get rid of the tex connotation): votes for TechMax.

1. Translation to Slovak (but please provide some convenient tools - last time I tried I did not manage to save in the correct codepage and lost few hours of my work)

1. There should be a possibility to pay for (priority) implementation. (I would be willing to pay for some things to be done (faster)).

3 Thomas François-X.

Technically, I could help with the website, but I don't have a lot of free time at the moment.
I'll try to create a simple and beautiful beginner's tutorial, it's been on my mind for ages.

1. Forums of any kind could help beginners a lot, instead of having them subscribe to a mailing list. Perhaps a user-contributed template repository with nice preview images, for instance?

3 Casas Pablo S.

1. Any improvement in the actual state or achieving a more stable version will serve as publicity.
2. TeXmacs web applications, as sage has for instance, so any user can try TeXmacs without installing it.

1. Sending some of my .tm documents.
2. Helping other users in questions I already solved.

1. Use modern forums because of search/post facilities.
2. Answer more/all questions in the lists.
3. Rules on the forums operation and fixed posts on the main topics.

3 Sam Liddicott

1. No name change.
2. New website not needed

1. Fix bugs add features
2. Texmacs should be written using literate programming
3. Convert texmacs source to literate programming

1. Discussion and publication of roadmap.
2. Proper descriptions of commits.
3. Use git instead of svn - please.

1 Denis

have a name that pronounce like it spells

Marc Lalaude L.

1. Présenter le logiciel auprès de l'UPS, de l'APMEP, de l'UDDPC … et des autres sociétés savantes.

2. Un consoritum s'est crée : Cap Maths, visant à promouvoir les maths. Un éditeur simple et efficace en maths doit aider à promouvoir les maths, les échanges entre élèves/profs peuvent alors êtres simples : texmacs peut être ce logiciel.

3. Peut-être faut-il monter un projet pour présenter voire obtenir des financements ?

4. Par exemple, Maths en Jean et les autres clubs de maths pourraient tous travailler sous texmacs.

This webpage is part of the MaGiX project. Verbatim copying and distribution of it is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. For more information or questions, please contact Joris van der Hoeven.