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Using TeXmacs at French high schools
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French secondary schools = Collège (10-14 years old) + Lycée (15-18 years old). End of Lycée = diplom of « Baccalauréat » (= « bac »).

Teachers in theses institutions are selected after a new system of « teaching sciences Master »...

These people are looking for a software that let type maths and specific math objects. TeXmacs could be what they are looking for, if some evolutions are lead.


september 2012 june 2013

2.What TeXmacs is or should become


What the teacher needs

  1. something direct to install on his computer (package TeXmacs + neighboors programms + plugin listed here). Double-clic and TeXmacs & Cie are installed. For me i am a lambda user and i have never been able to install professor on my mac os X's TeXmacs...

  2. a usb key TeXmacs installation (hu puts the usb key and just use TeXmacs on any computer : technically possible ?)

  3. possibility of creating quickly some specific objects

    • tableaux de variation (professor module). Drawing on a computer the variation table of a fonction is for the moment something very acrobatic. With professor it can become automatic. Some (not so few) teachers use to write their documents.. at hand, due to this reason.

    • stucks of spreadsheet inside the doc

    • little algorithmic sketches. Algo is officially taught during the 3 years of Lycée. Some teachers use Algobox.

    • formal calcul (maxima or xcas). New programms try to convince teachers to use formal calcul software with their students. Some do not know anything about « libres » software and make the Lycée buy Maple... Nobody in secondary knows how to insert formal calcul codes in a text/maths document... And using a formal calculation sofwtare inside the text/maths editor is unbelievable for lots of people. What is even better, you can modify the entries of maxima sessions each time you open the document.

    • simple function- and functions-family- grapher (example ) grapher. Maybe professor do it ?

    • spreadsheet blocs inside the text. Or possiblity of link with Ooo to insert in the TeXmacs text some n*p matrix extracts. Graohics of little matrix extracts (histogramm, parameters of a serie, affine or log or other adjustement)

    • programming (python)

    • possibility for insertion of recurrent-sequences () directly.

  4. easy window ans clicodromic ergonomy

    • easyupdate by an item in one of the menus

    • preference pane more macosX-like

    • ability to totally customize the keyboard as in Mathtype (without being obliged to edit a complex document with line command...)

    • the menus - possible¿ to insert little image beside each menu et change some denominations (example in french the word « blocs » or the word « tableau »...)

    • operators. One clic for [...[ or [..] or ]..[ etc should be interestind.

    • math-menus in an external window ?

    • easy functionnality for making rectangle around a text (or rectangle with rounded corners).

    • the look for/find/replace option seems to me difficult to use, too much unusual. I have never managed to use it. I am a lambda user. So there is something to do.

  5. insertion of GeoGebra pictures

    • abilitie to insert easily geogebra pictures. Indeed, lots of teachers use this software. I am not saying that ideally geogebra should interact inside texmacs sessions; i kow that geogebra is written in java; but could there be an "arrangment" between these two programms, for example one window texmacs and one window geogebra are open, and when the texmacs user cliks on "insert in the page the active geogebra picture", then texmacs tell gg to save the picture to a hidden (.ps or .tikz) file at a certain path and then import it; something transparent for the user. Such a solution sould be very useful, because secondary papers for the students often have a geogebra picture. And for the moment, you must save the gg picture to a (.ps) file, a dark and unknown file for beginners, because the (pdf) and (png) export in geogebra present bugs (for example with the filling of figures), and then find it in the path in texmacs, and then reducing or enlarging the picture is not really intuitive?

    • why not let TeXmacs insert Tikz code directly ? So the two works, for the TeXmacs ingeniors, of (1) making interaction between GeoGebra and TeXmac and (2) letting the user insert Tikz in Texmacs, should go in the same direction.

  6. obsession of reducing the number of photocopies

    • easy margins modification. Possibility of insering some « boxes » with parts of the text.

    • more flexibility for modifying size of pictures.

    • not only horizontal format for the sessions; possibility to insert a session in a box (minipage & tikz boxes..)

    • possibility to invest as large as possible the surface of an A4 paper.

    • 1 column/2 columns/3 columns very easy.

    • possibility also to automatocally print a document as two A5 on an A4 (with all the other software i know you first have to duplicate the content before you print twice on one page; in texmacs doing this sometimes gives something where the hight of paragraphs are not the same in part 1 and in the mirror part 2)

    • easy way to modify the size of fonts (that's effective, super)

    • possibility (<\mbox[rotate=90]...> to write with an angle.

  7. programming in TeXmacs. possible to create <\newcounter>in TeXmacs ? or <\newenvironments> ? Must be possible in TeXmacs i have never understood how. for this pont again, find something wyswyg in the spirit of TeXmacs, but also let LaTeX fans create environments using LaTeX/Tikz code (or other packages.

2.2.Hardware questions

  1. math students in Lycée miss a real little hardware « calculatrice ». Casio and Ti and sharing a prehistoric market. I can always be a good idea to look for new hardware. In the case of TeXmacs, that is more destinated to the teachers, this product may have some interest. It is called slimpad : you can take it with you, you can switch in on a videoprojector, on a printer, on internet. You can use it in landscape or portrait format, and use an external keyboard. It is sold with (windows or) linux preinstalled, certified without bug. Why not contacting the person and proposing him to sell the slimpad with TeXmacs (and TeXlive), you take a picture of Slimpad with TeXmacs at the screen (the image of the video). You promote Slimpad and you promote TeXmacs. I do not know the people of this enterprise.


  1. Math teachers in secondary schools are always looking for new exercices. Thougt, the programms are always the same (en gros...) and there are some categories of exercices that just have to be declined. We could, that is an idea, take advantage of this fact to create a database of maths exos. The existing does not seems to me to be enough for the moment (except maybe by Sesamaths). If you create such a database (or work with Sesamaths) you can also take advantage of this to promote the TeXmacs format. I am sorry i had written this following in french :

    base de données : dans le métier d'enseignant on passe du temps à chercher des exos. Des tentatives de partage sont faites mais je n'ai connais aucune qui se distingue vraiment des autres et qui ait véritablement pris corps. Voilà un défi à relever en profitant de l'opportunuité pour faire de texmacs le logiciel du matheux : donner aux enseignants une belle base de données d'exos de maths niveau lycée, et profiter de ce coup pour dévoiler l'efficacité de TeXmacs. 100 exos par thème niveau lycée, tous au format texmacs. Les thèmes sont : analyse, probas, complexes, espace, géométrie, statistiques base de données mysql permettant de trier exos par niveau, par temps, par classe, par type (exo, cours, brouillon d'idées...)? cela permet de trouver exactement ce que l'on veut d'une part, et d'être indépendant des programmes d'autre part : les programmes changent, ok, les utilisateurs vont cocher/décocher les bonnes cases mais l'exo reste là. Question timing : pour les taper c'est 5 minutes par exo si l'exo est prêt ? il y a donc 50 heures de travail de secrétaire. Si on est 10 et vu qu'on a plus de six mois c'est faisable. Pour concevoir les exercices c'est autre chose mais je peux fournir pas mal La base doit être modifiable par tout le monde qui s'identifie avant; Chaque exercice porte un numéro d'entrée définitif. Si on supprime un exo car on l'améliore, il faut qu'un programmeur nous mette un système pour que le numéro de l'exo enlevé pointe vers le numéro de l'exo nouveau. Il faut aussi revoir la page pour proposer choix plus clair entre "et" et "ou". Voir ici un vieux truc que j'avais pondu il y a 4 ans avec un copain programmeur: . Idéalement le site ne serait pas hébergé sur un serveur perso. Un hébergement plus officiel donnerait plus de cachet à la base de données. J'avais noté quelques réflexions ici . sauvegardes régulières au cas où. Formats : Tous les documents en texmacs (avec images liées ou insérées ??)+ pdf. Les rtf peuvent être utiles comme documents d'idées (brouillon, pistes...). Pas de .doc. Les .tex dovent être acceptés. Les .odf à voir, peut être que ça peut aider les gens à partager, et on incite l'utilisateur à taper en texmacs. Il faut aussi accepter les fichiers tableurs, donc quel format ? .ods en attendant que GeoGebra supplante ça peut-être un jour. Intégrer les fichiers .ggb serait peut-être une bonne idée car a) sur leur site il y a des partages de .ggb mais pas forcément classés comme nous, avec cette base de données qui est un concept itnéressant et b) ils sont en train de mettre au point au fil des ans un logiciel mathématique très vaste (avec à terme calcul formel, graphes, géométrie, espace, tableur, voire programmation en scripts) ce qui peut à la fois concurrencer et compléter texmacs. Concurrencer car texmacs fait ça aussi, ou le fera idéalement. Compléter car texmacs est orienté publication et géogébra est orienté manipulation. Le fait d'accepter les .ggb dans la base de données pourrait aider à un rapprochement entre les deux familles d'utilisateurs.

2.4.some other ideas

3.How to present TeXmacs



3.3.Present it... on which support ?

3.4.Present it... where ?

4.TeXmacs opening to LaTeX

TeXmacs may never replace LaTeX because LaTeX possibilities are infinite. If the use of TeXmacs is blocked and needs a total new beginning for the one who one day wants to discover LaTeX after TeXmacs, it is lost time. The proximity between TeXmacs and LaTeX should, in my opinion, be more developped.

The standard secondary teacher knows what LaTeX is, but has no idea about how to code anything in LaTeX. The wyswyg side of TeXmacs with please to him. But if he feels TeXmacs as not only a fisnished product that mkes what he wants, but also as a bridge to LaTeX, then we can see a % of them more interested.

4.1.Learning LaTeX with TeXmacs

4.2.using LaTeX with TeXmacs

5.Manual adapted to teachers

Does such a manual still exist ? a very synthetic symbols summarize (written in human language, translated into french, adapted to the basic needs of basic teachers like me) with existing shorcuts like like these ones; that is an example :

Not have the time to continue

I try to finish in these days...



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